Nature and type of activities


Regional Location
Bolivia- Valles
Summarized genesis of the creation of the organization

Integracion de las Productores de miel para  la conformacion de una sectorial para la sostenibilda y comercializacion.

Legal regime of the land property, buildings and equipment

Mismos de la Organizacion

Tipos de produtos-serviços

Transformacion de miel.

Financing methods


Geographic area of intervention

La Paz, Chochabamba, Santa Cruz

Type and number of active full-time staff and volunteers of the organization
No especificado
Estimated number of people receiving , directly or indirectly, services of the structure
No especificado
Estimated number of local residents who benefit, directly or indirectly, services of the structure
No especificado
Nature and degree of linkages with other local, national or international organizations of solidarity economy

Asociados de la Cordinadora de Integracion de Organizaciones Economicas Campesinas

Tipo, número e parte de empresas locais que beneficiam das atividades e dos serviços da estrutura


Nature and degree of helping received from commercial, institutional or civil organizations ( local, national or international)

Asociados de la Cordinadora de Integracion de Organizaciones Economicas Campesinas

Difficulties hindering the progress of the activities

Falta de politicas estatales que favorescan al sectro productivo con respecto a lo impositivo.

Performance or exemplary projects of the structure on the social, economic, environmental, cultural and intercultural aspects

Integracion como bloque regional que representa a productores de miel de diversas ascociaciones a nivel nacional.

Contribution of agricultural structure to the advantage of local nature, local health and local social technologies for global sustainability
- Auto-producción