Legal personality of the non profit structure
- Associação Civil
Nature and type of activities
pesca; cacao, colheita, agricultura organica, criacao de animais organicos;
Regional Location
Mato Grosso Brasil
Legal regime of the land property, buildings and equipment
Field surface
82.372,30 mil hectares
Tipos de produtos-serviços
Financing methods
Estimated number of people receiving , directly or indirectly, services of the structure
aproximadamente 600 pessoas
Difficulties hindering the progress of the activities
Falta engajamento genralizada da sociedad
Performance or exemplary projects of the structure on the social, economic, environmental, cultural and intercultural aspects
Overall contribution ( individual and social ) of structure activities
- Auto-estimativa dos atores da economia solidária
Social, cultural or produtive contribution to the local community
- Valorização dos saber-fazer populares locais
Contribution of agricultural structure to the advantage of local nature, local health and local social technologies for global sustainability
- Auto produção