So, still digging?







 Finalist : 4 ;  Semi-Finalist :  1 Nominee : 1   ;  Honourable Mention : 3



Directed by Hugo Dayan


Produced  by APREIS



Le chercheur, auteur et réalisateur, Hugo Dayan , en travail  sur un attol menacé en Polynesie Française

Announced on  April  2022 Le réalisateur, Hugo Dayan,  le directeur musical du   film, Julien Dayan et la présidente du jury, Annie Baronnet

Announced on October 2021 Announced on  December 2021
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Camille, a young French climatologist, has a string of research contracts at the French National Center for Scientific Research. But understanding how the climate itself works and only drawing curves announcing future catastrophes on a screen are no longer enough for her. She decides to get closer to the lands and the peoples, all as far away as close to her research laboratory.
The journey she undertakes in China, Polynesia, Mali, and Ile de France where her laboratory is located, will allow her to discover that solutions to the climate crisis already exist. She will then be led to make a personal decision, unexpected but logical.    READ  MORE


What sustainable development means

the link the linked the linking

The concept of sustainability opens a new sphere of operation and study: the link, the linked and the linking . Then it introduces a new subject of science and simultaneously induces the notion of borderlines in development which are required and organized for maintaining the link. It invites us to reconsider the various branches of knowledge, the dominating idea of work specialization, the partition of knowledge and the prevalence of vertical organizations. It suggests us to keep away from methodological individualism, economical insularity, and specialized demands which are needed for rebuilding, through a interdisciplinary approach, the concept of development, and binding together science, politics and ethic.
It calls for a questioning of disciplinary sharing, the dominant idea of work specialisation, the compartmentalization of knowledge and the prevalence of organisational verticalities, and it calls for a local-to-local eco-linking economy. Read more


The Climate, a new … human science?


El Clima, una nueva ciencia humana?
O Clima, uma nova ciência humana?


EL NIÑO : Tensions between “natural” and “anthropogenic” forces

Localisé dans le Pacifique tropical, résultat de processus interactifs locaux naturels entre l’océan et l’atmosphère et influençant, via des ponts atmosphériques, les régions extérieures au Pacifique tropical, El Niño est un phénomène climatique global et local, dont l’impact planétaire fait de sa genèse et de sa prévision un enjeu épistémique, éthique et pratique. Indissociable de la composante anthropique qui altère les interactions naturelles entre les différentes composantes climatiques, le sort de la science du climat pourrait être tributaire de sa capacité à intégrer conceptuellement dans son objet l’incertitude et la complexité que la composante humaine ajoute au système naturel. Cette science pourrait donc dépendre de sa capacité à porter attention à ses articulations interdisciplinaires, à stimuler la culture scientifique transversale et à permettre au  citoyen  d’ y participer (Hugo Dayan). Read More 

EL NIÑO : Tensions beetwen “Natural” Strengths and “Anthropologenic” Strengths
EL NIÑO : Tensiones entre fuerzas “naturales” y fuerzas “antropológicas
EL NIÑO : Tensões entre forcas “naturais” e forças “antrópicas”


 Finance and climate science: Worlds apart ?



There is growing interest in the impact of climate change on the financial system. For financial institutions, the development of knowledge specific to climate risks requires collaboration with the academic sphere, and in particular with climate scientists. However, five years after the Paris agreement, such collaborations are scarce. Through a compared analysis of the perception and management of climate risks by financial risk managers and climate scientists, we seek to understand how different risk perceptions can be an obstacle to collaboration between these two social groups. To this end, we adopt an interdisciplinary approach based on the results of semi-structured interviews. We identify two types of differences that constitute obstacles: differences in valuation, linked to the perception of the climate threat and the vulnerability of the financial system, and differences in the construction of a relationship of risk, related to the modelling, organisation and communication of risk and uncertainty. (V. Bouchet, H. Dayan, C. Contoux). Read more  



Marine heat waves in the Mediterranean Sea   

An assessment from the surface to the subsurface to meet national needs

In the Mediterranean Sea, marine ecosystems and the resource-based economy are shared among many countries, making this a regional sea of important geopolitical and economic stakes. Over the last decades, marine heat waves (MHWs) in the Mediterranean Sea have caused mass-mortality events in various marine species and critical losses for seafood industries. MHWs are expected to become more intense, longer and more frequent through anthropogenic warming. This study proposes to better understand how much each Mediterranean country’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) waters may be affected by MHW changes, to contribute to decision support for management and adaptation at national scale. The variability of surface and subsurface MHWs is assessed over the 1987-2019 period in the Mediterranean EEZs, which are ocean areas where sovereign states have special rights. Combining high-resolution satellite observations and a regional reanalysis, sea surface temperature and ocean heat content are used to define surface and subsurface MHWs. The MHW characteristics selected in this study highlight the important differences between surface and subsurface extreme events. MHW frequency is higher at the surface than in the subsurface and has significantly increased in most EEZs both at the surface and in the subsurface, while MHW duration is longer in the subsurface than at the surface in all EEZs.  (Hugo Dayan, Ronan McAdam, Mélanie Juza, Simona Masina,  Sabrina Speich).Read more

Maritime Economy & Environment    


 Youth of Guinea for Climate


Poem for the Climate
Mariama Cire Bah


Educational and intercultural micro-projects for Sustainability 





Documentary Duration : 52 mn

Director : Coralie Chardonnet

Scientific Advisor : Léo Dayan 

Editing : Gaël Cathou

 Original Music  : Julien Dayan

 Producer: Wapiti Production




An inconcevable Target ?