European and International Actors, Practices & Research

For Sustainability





APREIS is a nomadic and networked international laboratory based on a numerical platform. Created in September 2003 by the  French non-profit NGO  which provides a civil laboratory for local sustainability research and action


     Nature. Object

–  An intergenerational, interdisciplinary, interprofessional, intercultural  civil scientific laboratory aiming at research – training – action – achievement to implement sustainable global development through an interactive and partnership-based approach
–  A transversal source of information, proposals, initiatives, studies, projects and achievements to implement local sustainable development



–  Imaginaries, cultures, organizational forms and modes of governance
–  Industrial ecology, circular economy, eco links, renewable energies
–   Ethical investments, sustainable enterprise, solidarity economy,
–  Fair trade, sustainable tourism
–  Global and local prevention of climate and environmental risks
–  Intercultural dynamics, regional solidarities, decentralized international cooperation
–  Community development, local democracy for responsibility, local complementary currency



–  Spacial, generational, social, cultural, disciplinary and professional decompartmentalization
–  Interactional creativities
–  Global approaches and local contextualities
–  Ethics for common good,  citizenship, egality of rights, personnal responsibility and cooperation
–  Human engineering, popular genius and social innovation



–  Conceptual, technical and pratical research
–  Cross circulation and multilingual transfer of knowledge and abilities
–  Partnership-based design and implementation of sustainable local development projects
–  Promotion of self-expression and involvement of young people and women in general
–  Vertical rise of climbing the civil society proposals
–  Public and private decision-making assistance